PADI Go Pro courses

Take the next step on your pro-level journey.

Whether you're taking the plunge and turning scuba diving into your job or looking to move to the next level, we've got career focussed training to help you achieve your goals.

Teaching resources for PADI dive pros from The Dive Pro Hub

Be the best dive pro that you can possibly be.

Top tips and free resources to help you improve the way you teach your students. With insights into everything from organising courses to the psychology of diving from industry leaders.

Marketing resources for PADI dive pros from The Dive Pro Hub

Grow your dive centre, bring in more customers.

Take your diving business to the next level with free marketing resources created by actual dive centre owners. Develop your business, grow your following, increase your revenue.

Become a PADI Instructor with a PADI Instructor Course in the UK

Continue your professional development.

Enhance your diving CV.

Take your next PADI course.


We're taking a brief pause from pro level training at The Fifth Point this year to focus on enhancing our services and ensuring the best future experiences for our community.

This isn't goodbye, just a see you later - as we focus on developing The Honest Diver Supply Co, your go-to for dive support, equipment servicing, and expert advice.

The Dive Pro Hub training videos

Get your hands on these amazing FREE tools to help with your PADI IDC.


Trying to work out how much your instructor training will cost?

Download this calculator, plug in all the figures and it'll spit out a grand total. It also warns you off potential hidden costs so you don't get a nasty surprise later!


The secret to smashing your IDC is in the prep.

Join our 4 week online guided prep course that covers everything you need to know to get ready for your upcoming PADI Instructor Course.

Become a PADI Instructor with a PADI Instructor Course in the UK

Improve your courses.

Understand your students better.

Inspire others to protect the ocean.

The Dive Pro Hub teaching videos

Our favourite places to LEARN outside of The Dive Pro Hub.


Helping scuba divers towards mental, emotional and physical wellbeing for diving.

Founded by our amazing Staff Instructor Laura, Fit To Dive is a fantastic resource for learning more about psychology and scuba diving.


Amplifying the effectiveness of your diving skills and experience through specific human factors training.

Your personal actions and inactions, awareness, decisions and relationships can impact your ability to dive safely. Learn more about this awesome topic.


scuba diving refresher

Attract more customers.

Sell more courses.

Make more money.

The Dive Pro Hub marketing videos

Our favourite places to LEARN outside of The Dive Pro Hub.


PADI's bank of ready made marketing resources.

Get access to campaigns that are already built for you and ready to drop in places like Facebook, Instagram and more. There's also blogs and webinars to help your marketing efforts.


The book that changed our approach to marketing.

Written by two amazing content marketing wizards,  you'll learn how to use "they ask, you answer" to grow your business, improve your SEO and attract the right customers.


Nic is the co-founder of The Fifth Point and The Honest Diver Supply Co.

She's a PADI Course Director who's passionate about protecting the ocean and inspiring others to do the same. 

Nic created The Dive Pro Hub to help scuba diving professionals excel in their jobs. Although PADI do a cracking job of supporting their members, there's not much advice available from actual dive centre owners and instructors who are building their businesses and teaching students day in, day out.


"I absolutely love my job and I'm now in a position in my diving career that I can help others get a slice of this incredible lifestyle! Whether you're looking to make scuba diving your dream job, or you're already a salty sea dog divemaster or instructor, I've put these resources together for you

I'll tell you all about the adventures I've had in my 12+ years working in the diving industry. I'll share the things I've learnt along the way.... and the MANY mistakes I've made!

Running a dive centre is TOUGH! I like to share my ideas so others can try them out in their own businesses and be successful too. 

And of course, as a PADI Course Director, I'm here to help you with your continuing professional education too. So whether that's getting tips from these blogs and videos or coming to see me in person for some training, I can't wait to help you on this adventure to becoming a cracking Dive Pro!"

- Nic